Supervised Visitation in California
Supervised visitation in California is when a third party is present at a visit between a parent and child and observes what happens during the visit. A supervisor will monitor what activity takes place and communications between the parent and child. Supervised visitation is typically used when there is concern that one parent will behave or speak inappropriately to, toward, or in front of a child during a visit. The supervisor is there to watch and hear everything that goes on during the visit and to stop any inappropriate behavior or speech. In some cases, a supervisor may need to end a visit. The supervisor will also provide reports about what happens at each visit.
There are two types of supervised visitation in California: professionally supervised and non-professionally supervised.
Professionally supervised visitation
Professionally supervised visitation is when the third party observing the visit is someone who is trained. Frequently, professionally supervised visitation takes place a center that has an area dedicated to that service. The custodial parent will come and drop the child off and then leave. The visiting parent will have the visit and then leave. Then the custodial parent will pick the child up. This set up can also help where the parents have difficulty getting along, there is a history of domestic violence, or there is a restraining order in place. With this method the parents do not have any interaction.
Non-professionally supervised visitation
Non-professional supervision comes from someone without that training. A non-professional supervisor can be a friend or family member if the parents agree. Non-professional supervision can take place in many different locations. The parents and supervisor can decide how pick up and drop off will work, if there are no court orders about how it will go. The parents and supervisor can arrange pick up and drop off so that the parents do not interact if needed.
To find out more about supervised visitation, call Romanovska Law.
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